Monday, December 17, 2012

my heart aches...

my heart aches
my stomach is in knots over last fridays tragedy.
as i am sure yours is too.

sunday fittingly our sunday school lesson was from Romans on faith
both john and i read the 

this is what the study notes stated on 

Gods works in "all things" - not just isolated incidents - for good. 
This does not mean that all that happens to us is good. 
Evil is prevalent in our fallen world, but God is able to turn every circumstance around for our long-range good. 
Note that God is not working to make us happy, but to fulfill his purpose. 
Note also that this promise is not for everybody. 
It can be claimed only by those who love God and are called according to his purpose. 
Those who are "called" are those the Holy Spirit convinces and enables to receive Christ. 
Such people have a new perceptive, a new mind set on life. 
They trust God, not life's treasures; they look for their security in heaven, 
not on earth; they learn to accept, not resent, pain and persecution because God is with them. 

i hope these words bring comfort to you during this time. 

god bless and...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

FREE christmas printables!

i came across this today on Pinterest and wanted to share...
these are so cute and FREE! 

Click Here for Source

another Pinterest find that i wanted to share with you. 
so cute and is the reason for the season.
Click Here for source

talk to you soon...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

things to be thankful for!

 i have finally sat down to blog. november was a busy month...
i had so many thoughts to blog about, but no time.
since we have moved into the new house we don't have internet yet so it's been challenging
it made me realize how dependent i am to modern technology!

i hope all of you had a safe and happy thanksgiving holiday.
ours was low key but very enjoyable.

thanksgiving day 2012 at the high oak's ranch
1. big daddy with tripp and kate (our house)
2. mom-o cooking the gravy (her house)
3. our turkey and ham platter...yum
4. stuffing, green bean casserole, baked sweet potatoes

this was the first thanksgiving of my life that my me-me and the entire 
COBB family wasn't present...
 change is definitely something that happens but is hard to adjust too.
we miss you me-me

me-me's  last picture at the high oaks ranch with three day old tripp.

we missed all of our extended family, 
but are so glad they are all safe and healthy!

can you believe it's already the christmas season!
this is definitely my favorite time of year...

i was very excited to start decorating 

we went and cut down our christmas tree at the local tree farm.

christmas so far around the klam house...

and of course no christmas season is complete without a picture with santa...
we do this annually at the Waco Jr. League "Deck the Halls" event.
kate decided at the last minute that santa wasn't so cool after all so to avoid a major 
scene...i decided to stand in....memories.

hopefully i will get to post more soon...
take care, god bless and soak in the christmas spirit!

oh ps...

i had to go ahead and post our halloween pictures even though i am almost 2 seasons behind on posts. 
little charlie brown and the cupcake!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

mama's day out!

 friday i got a day to was very enjoyable after a stressful week of moving
unpacking with a 4 month and 3 year old...

i have been anticipating all month attending the 
homestead hico antique fair
and the day finally arrived...
and it was a winner!

hico is such a quaint little town and i adore homestead

my goal this buying trip was to find stuff for my bookcases...
of course there was other things that enticed me.

here is the loot

you will not believe all of the above items were purchased for around $250
see the curtain rod rings...I got 6 bundles for $3 each! yeah
the cowboy boots are custom M.L. Leddy's  
purchased for $90 (value $200 +) SCORE! 

of course my trip to hico would not be complete without
handmade chocolate from wiseman house chocolates
and fresh "dill pickle" popcorn from hico popcorn works

well...that's a wrap.
hope y'all enjoy the rest of your weekend
happy fall y'all

sources listed in pink

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Reminiscing: Kate's 3rd Birthday

Reminiscing: Kate's 3rd Birthday
"Vintage Cowgirl: YEEHAW!"

our little girl turned 3 on the 30th. she is more like 3 going on 30...
she is so much fun and such a toot too!
i had lots of fun planning this birthday...i look forward to many more with her!



thank you to all of our friends and family who came and helped celebrate with kate!
especially thank you to my husband and dear friend amanda for helping me set up.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012



i saw this on pinterest yesterday and thought it was so funny and unfortunately true!

speaking of are my two this week...

tripp parker is 3 months old!

kate meredith is almost 3 years old
first day of dance class! 

other thoughts of randomness this week...
i love beauty products
i recently started using this...

 and to my amazement it works!

 i actually use the Maybelline BIG great lash first...then use the
 LOTS OF LASHES 2nd to extend the length of my lashes...coming from a girl who has no lashes...this stuff works... and its only $5.47...or score a deal at walgreens when it's 1/2 price for 2.73!!! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

weekend reminiscing: septemberfest 2012

Septemberfest is an annual festival held the second Saturday of September in the small town of Cranfills Gap, TX.  This festival is quintessential Americana, a small town parade travelling down 3rd Street followed by a cook-off, car show, and fun for all ages in the town park.  Septemberfest 2012, the thirty-fifth Septemberfest, will be held on September 8.

Septemberfest is an annual festival that helps raise money for the community of Cranfills Gap.  The Septemberfest committee has used the money raised from the annual festival to help purchase and remodel the community center, to help improve the Wade Lee City Park, as well as give scholarships to students graduating from Cranfills Gap High School.  To date the generosity of the visitors to our annual festival has allowed the committee to give back more than $120,000 to the Cranfills Gap community through community improvement projects as well as scholarships.

Septemberfest kicks off with a parade that travels southeast along 3rd Street before turning left on State Highway 22.  Immediately following the parade the focus of the festival turns to the Wade Lee City Park, located at the southeast corner of State Highway 22 and 4th Street, where the cookoff, car show, kids' activities, and vendors all take place.
(the above information was found here)
we won best "original" float